Friday, April 12, 2013

My Guess is Yes

Throughout my day I browse through a lot of blogs. Like a lot. I'm about to share with you my obsessive daily blog schedule. You are going to think less of me by the time this is over.

S and I wake up in the morning at about 8. While she takes her morning nap from 10-11:30, I'm on bloglovin catching up on all my daily reads newest posts. That could take anywhere from ten to thirty minutes depending on how many new posts there are. Then I start writing a post for my blog. At least I try...

Then on and off for the rest of the afternoon I'm blog hopping. Like I said before, I will start on a blog I like and click the buttons on their sidebars. Click, click, click. Some days I'm successful with finding a new daily read. Most days I'm not.

The whole point of this post is that I've realized every blog I come across has one thing in common. "What is that one thing?", you may not be wondering.

Twenty something.

Seriously? Are you trying to be mysterious? Maybe lure people to follow you? Are you just doing it because every other blogger is 20-something? Do you just want to feel younger than you actually are by not admitting your real age? I just don't get it.

I will be 22 in less than two weeks. Maybe I'm too young to understand the whole twenty something trend? What do you think? Does your about me on your blog say twenty something? My guess is yes.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Blogging, Blogging Everywhere!

A huge part of blogging is all about the stalking, creeping, or whichever word makes you feel better about yourself. In my case, I'm always looking for someone I think could be my friend in real life. If I don't feel that connection with you then I'm not going to follow you. So far in my blogging journey I've discovered quite a few amazing ladies! And I hope to find oh so many more. At some point in the future I will share with you the amazing girls I follow, but that's not the direction I want to take this post in right now. 

I try to find new bloggers in the most basic way possible... Buttons. If I am checking out a new post on one of my homegirls' sites, I just take a look at the buttons and sponsors on their sidebars. If you are on the page of someone I already like then chances are I'm going to like you too. It has worked out for me pretty well so far. Which leads me to the thought that I need to make a button for my blog! 

Anyway... I've always thought of how cool it would be to have some kind of mind reading site that would tell you "If you like this blog, check out this one!". But as far as I know that doesn't exist. Then this morning happened. I came across the Holy Grail of blog directories. Not only is it if you like this, check out this it is a MAP! I am in heaven folks! Click the button below and you can add your blog as well. I am definitely going to be coming back to this map over and over! Shane is a genius. New follower over girl!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Healthy Lifestyle Resolutions

I have never made a New Years resolution that I've kept. And even then I have only really made maybe one or two resolutions. I always have a hard time coming up with one to begin with. So with this diet healthy lifestyle change comes some resolutions. Like a New Years resolution, these healthy lifestyle resolutions will be based on unhealthy habits that need to be changed. Without further ado I give you my healthy lifestyle resolutions...

Alright, I shall start with what I think will be the easiest to change.

Bread. Carbs. Goodbye! I hardly eat bread as it is now, and when I do it's whole wheat. The only way I'm going to be able to accomplish this is if I put my "pinning" to good use. For example, if I want to eat a tuna sandwich I can use cucumber slices instead of bread. Healthy and genius. 

Sleep. Now you may be thinking, "Why isn't sleep the first thing on this list? She's a SAHM with nothing better to do than get to sleep at a reasonable time." Ok so maybe you aren't thinking that, but I am!!! Right now I get a pretty decent amount of sleep. I'm usually in bed by midnight at the latest, and waking up with S around 8. So I get the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night. I just wish I could get one more hour of sleep. That can't be too hard, right?

Salt. I put salt on almost everything that I eat. I blame it on my Dad. Growing up I used to criticize him for putting what seemed like piles of salt on his dinner plate. And now, here I am, doing the same thing. It's borderline disgusting how much I love salt. This could either be easy or way too hard. I'm gonna need some new, less bland recipes. 

Coffee. Oh, my sweet, sweet love. You are going to be the hardest to say goodbye to. I am so proud of myself for not drinking coffee while I was pregnant. I didn't drink any coffee (regular or decaf) almost my entire pregnancy. Around 7 months I decided I couldn't take it anymore and I missed my daily coffee fix. So for the remainder of my pregnancy I had a decaf here and there. Once I had S I was ecstatic to drink a real cup of coffee. Lots of sugar and a little cream. Just the way I like love it. I had that first sip, and was tasting pure bliss. I don't even know how I managed 7 months without it! I have 2 cups in the morning. Every morning. Without fail.  The only way I'm going to be able to rid myself of this morning ritual will be to replace it with another. If only I knew what that was...

There you have it. My top healthy lifestyle resolutions. Let's hope that I can accomplish all of these. Slowly, but surely! What are your healthy lifestyle resolutions?

Still haven't figured out how to fix the word issue. Changing column width didn't fix it. I'm officially losing my mind.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Body Image Goals

Since S was born back in October I've been thinking about this diet quite a bit. I don't want to think about it as a diet, but rather a healthy lifestyle.

Growing up I never had a problem eating my fruits and veggies. I wasn't in love with veggies really, but fruit and I got along pretty well. My Mom always had fruit in the house to snack on, and I didn't mind choosing that over a bag of chips. BUT instead of doing that, I would eat the fruit and the chips. This is why I am in the predicament I am in... Along with gaining the very unpleasant amount of 70 lbs while pregnant!

(A week or so before giving birth. I am literally a beached whale. Hopefully my head is not as big as it looks in this picture.)

It's hard for me to come up with a goal weight. When I think about my goal this is what I see...

HA! Just kidding! On a serious note, maybe something like this...

Not too shabby ay? How am I supposed to know what this girl weighs? The website the link goes to says she weighs 130 lbs. So I'm going to pick a random number and say insert drumroll here my goal weight shall be 128 pounds. Don't ask me why. Hopefully I can obtain this goal weight by my goal date. And that shall be July 4. That's not too unrealistic right? 

I'll be back tomorrow with my healthy lifestyle resolutions! Kinda like New Years resolutions, but different!

PS: I do not know why all of my words at the end of each line are breaking to the beginning of the next line. If someone knows how I can fix this PLEASE comment below. I'm a teensy bit OCD and it bothers me very much! I've tried googling and nothing has helped!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Virtual Diet

Hey there!
I fell off the Motivation Bus, but I'm back! The above photo is me. Nice to meet you, and very glad you're here! Follow me, and I'll follow you! Join me from the very start.

New discovery of the week...

I am absolutely in love, and you can get it here. And yes I do realize it's a "Fall" color, but seriously who cares? 

As for other news, a friend of mine and I are starting a diet/workout plan soon. Not any particular diet or workout. We are just going to try to eat as healthy as we can. She has some at-home workouts she knows, and I'm going to watch do some YouTube workout videos. Both of us are complete quitters when it comes to exercising. So let's hope this works! Did I mention that she lives on the opposite side of the country!!! Like 3,000 miles away! Let's call it the Virtual Diet. I'll be keeping track of my progress here (if there is any) once we start. I've been hassling her to start her own blog, but it's not going very well. If she lets me I will post her success on here as well. Comment below with any workout tips or YouTube videos!