Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Blogging, Blogging Everywhere!

A huge part of blogging is all about the stalking, creeping, or whichever word makes you feel better about yourself. In my case, I'm always looking for someone I think could be my friend in real life. If I don't feel that connection with you then I'm not going to follow you. So far in my blogging journey I've discovered quite a few amazing ladies! And I hope to find oh so many more. At some point in the future I will share with you the amazing girls I follow, but that's not the direction I want to take this post in right now. 

I try to find new bloggers in the most basic way possible... Buttons. If I am checking out a new post on one of my homegirls' sites, I just take a look at the buttons and sponsors on their sidebars. If you are on the page of someone I already like then chances are I'm going to like you too. It has worked out for me pretty well so far. Which leads me to the thought that I need to make a button for my blog! 

Anyway... I've always thought of how cool it would be to have some kind of mind reading site that would tell you "If you like this blog, check out this one!". But as far as I know that doesn't exist. Then this morning happened. I came across the Holy Grail of blog directories. Not only is it if you like this, check out this it is a MAP! I am in heaven folks! Click the button below and you can add your blog as well. I am definitely going to be coming back to this map over and over! Shane is a genius. New follower over girl!

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